Mortgage Broker Broadcast
Developing your knowledge to help you build a successful Mortgage Broker business. Craig Skelton shares his thoughts and experiences on all aspects of mortgage advice covering everything from operating in the banking world, estate agency based advisers all the way up to working as a self employed broker. He will be joined by experts from within the industry and other business sectors which all play a key part in becoming a successful mortgage broker in the modern world.
Mortgage Broker Broadcast
Reflecting on Three Years and Forging Ahead: The Mortgage Broker Broadcast Evolution and What's Next
Celebrate with us as we recently hit a milestone of three years and 153 episodes on the Mortgage Broker Broadcast, and trust me, this is no ordinary cake-and-candles affair. Leigh Rowland, the genius behind the Mortgage Broker Bulletin, joins us to reflect on our incredible journey, dissect the craft of content creation, and even have a chuckle over how a rainy day can wreak havoc on our work ethic. We're peeling back the curtain to reveal the evolution of our show and the meaningful new paths we're taking to enrich the lives and businesses of mortgage brokers everywhere.
This episode isn't just a trip down memory lane; it's a launchpad into a future where our monthly bulletins will arm you with a comprehensive review of market trends and offer a space for reflection that's as essential as your morning cup of coffee. Expect a fresh lineup of industry-savvy guests sharing their first-time podcasting jitters and their priceless insights. Plus, get ready to supercharge your day with 'The Mortgage Broker Mindset,' a daily dose of five-minute motivation tailored to empower brokers through the grind of remote work and self-employment. So, pop in those earbuds and join us on this adventure, because it's all about staying in the race, focused and undeterred.
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Hi and welcome to this week's Mortgage Broker Broadcast. For those that listen to this podcast every single week, a couple of weeks ago we celebrated the third birthday of the podcast. The podcast has been running for three unbelievable years. I've loved every single podcast, every single episode that I've recorded.
Speaker 1:I'm 153 episodes into the podcast and at this sort of time I wanted to reflect a little bit on the podcast, about where it's going, what it's achieved over that time, the feedback that I've got from the listeners and subscribers, and so the podcast is going to continue, but we're going to change things up slightly. Change things up a little bit in terms of the podcast, clearly define what it is moving forward a little bit more. And yeah, and what I wanted to do is, rather than me sort of go on and ramble on a little bit about the change that's going to happen, I wanted to get Lee Rowland on. He's on the podcast every single week, every already with the mortgage book bulletin, but what I wanted to do is get Lee Rowland onto the podcast to explain, talk through with him the change that's going to happen with all with the this podcast and also talk about the changes can happen with the new podcast that I'm going to release as well, moving forward from the beginning of June. So, yeah, let's just get Leon to the podcast to talk about it.
Speaker 1:So welcome on to the podcast, lee. How are you? I'm not too bad.
Speaker 2:thanks, craig. I'm a bit confused by the the uh, the sun going down later, but the weather still being poor, and I have to look out the window at what I could be doing if it wasn't for the weather tipping down and being cloudy. So it's put me all out of sync a little bit, mate, but apart from that I'm brilliant. How are you keeping you all right?
Speaker 1:I'm brilliant too. Yeah, really really good. And I think I'm like you brilliant too. Yeah, really really good. And um, I think I'm like you. I think it is um. Look at us talking about the weather straight away on the podcast. But, um, we'll explain why we're doing this in a second, not explain why we're doing the weather, but why we are doing the podcast together. But, yeah, I'm with you on that. I think it's um. I'll be glad when the the better weather starts the lighter nights, but then actually be able to do something on the lighter nights will certainly help. But, as always, lee, nothing we can do about the weather. Can't control it, can't do anything about it, so don't worry about it.
Speaker 2:Exactly. From now on, I won't, Craig. Thank you for the advice on that one.
Speaker 1:You're not going to change your life from just me saying something like that. Anyway, thanks for putting on the podcast. Normally we do be quite involved with the mortgage broker broadcast. So far this year, I think in there we've done the four weeks of the habits that we did at the start of the year and you've been then doing the mortgage brokerability, which was the 10th one last week, was that right? Yeah, 10th one last week, was that right?
Speaker 2:Yeah, 10th one last week. Yeah, it's been fantastic. So I just kind of thank you. Just quickly get a thanks out of the way. Thanks for involving me with the Mortgage Broker Broadcast, mate, because I've learned loads, especially the first few weeks when we're talking about habits, but then a bit about myself as well, when I've been having to put the bulletin together, um, but not that creating the habit actually was. That was fine.
Speaker 2:Um, it's been quite interesting to be able to record it at different places, because I tried to do them outside um, with a bit of energy. But as I went along I worked out that I knew I already knew that I don't like talking about specific products from specific lenders, interest rates. I get all muddled up because I'm trying to do it with a bit of a flow, right, and I don't. I've written things down but I can't remember In the end. I just thought I'd talk about more about how I was feeling for that week or things which had affected me week, and so it involved it. Uh, but back to the thank you, mate. I just can't thank you enough for getting me involved in such a, in such a great podcast. To be honest, you have to pinch myself now and again when it comes out, then I I see my you've tagged me in it and I'm like, oh, never mind, I can't believe it. So thank you very much. I do really appreciate the opportunity to come on.
Speaker 1:Yeah no, and I appreciate thanks, man, I appreciate you being part of it because it's been good to get, because I think from my aspect of it is that with you it just breaks up the obviously the podcast me doing the introduction, then getting you to talk about the world of mortgages that particular week and what's been going on and particularly for you, or rates and things like that, and then getting the guests on or doing the solo episode. I think it's just been good to break that up a little bit. And when we're talking about the reason why we're doing this podcast together today, well, it's explained in a second, but like that, it's just good to break that up. From um, from that point of view and you having the being brave and and doing that and I know you started doing your you've got your own little show going on now with the um, the business shop snap, like I said, business snapshot going on yeah, I have.
Speaker 2:I. I got a local business snapshot, um, but I'm quite lucky there. I'm just sort of asking the questions of local business people and just trying to get them to explain a bit about themselves and their business so people can get to know them a little bit better. I find the bulletin oh, it's not stressful, is it? I find they're both enjoyable in different ways, but the snapshot is easier because I'm just the one asking the questions and trying to extract some detail out to people so they can promote their business. But it's going quite well. It's really really going well actually, chef with it.
Speaker 1:Good, no, it looks great. Loving the branding, loving the colours on the top and things like that. So a bit of a snow pool table green going on with your tops and things like that there.
Speaker 2:So I'm joking. I just don't get a green screen, so I'll just disappear into it when I have your floating head yeah, don't, don't get green screens, it's just like max headroom going on there. Yeah but I don't think I. I had the idea a while ago, but if it wasn't for, like, coming on your podcast, god, I mean, it was ages ago when I was it august 2021 that I first come on your podcast.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah, it was yes yeah, I know I was doing, I was doing videos and stuff like that, but once you start going podcast, like yourself to get, it does give you confidence and I wouldn't have been able and listening to other people on various podcasts and yours, I wouldn't be able to launch the local business snapshot without any of those experiences either, because I wouldn't have had, I wouldn't have known. I'm not very professional, anyway is it, but I wouldn't have had the confidence to even think about starting it. So, yeah, thanks again, really, mate. But yeah, it is bright green and I love the green.
Speaker 1:So here we go. You love this part of that brand, mate. It's a good green, it's the red and green. I was trying to yeah, no, it is a good brand. And like, when I see things, I've been teaching about something where the red and green. I was out and I saw a light with the red and the green and the, and the first thing I thought about is like you and your branding. So, um, it obviously worked and obviously we've heard Chris.
Speaker 2:Target talk a lot about branding and colors. He talks a lot about that and obviously that works for you, so that's good. Yeah, I think I might have pinched a little bit of that off. Chris, to be honest, you is, uh, sainsbury's bag orange color. Uh, quite a couple of years ago I did you him talking about that and I've got to give him a bit of credit for the, for the green and red which you see everywhere.
Speaker 1:Anyway, we're not going to talk about me what, what.
Speaker 2:What's going on with the mortgage broker? Broadcast podcast then.
Speaker 1:So what I was thinking is that and thanks for being part of this, like sort of this episode, because what I wanted to do is sort of get to that juncture, thinking I'm doing solo episodes, we've got you involved with the bulletin, and then we've got some like we have great guests on the on the podcast, and what I was thinking is changing things up slightly with the podcast moving forward. So don't, the mortgage broker broadcast is here to stay. We're still going to be doing the podcast. But what I would talk about doing, what I'm going to be doing from the beginning of june, is that this is the last mortgage broker broadcast for this kind of season or episodes or whatever you want to call it. But so, and then what I'm going to do moving forward now, is that, rather than include the solo episodes in the mortgage broker broadcast, it purely is going to be a guest podcast. It's going to be an hour and it's going to be every single month. So the podcast now will go monthly for an hour rather than weekly, mixing up with solos, mixing up with guests and doing various things as well, obviously getting you involved with sort of sessions and things like that as well.
Speaker 1:What I wanted to do is having that clear, defined break. So, like I say it is, mortgage broker broadcast is a guest podcast from people with industry. Because I thought about, do I? Because you've been going three years. So you get to that point when you're thinking is this right? Is it still relevant? Is it still doing it? What it needs to do, is it attracting the right audience? Where is it at as a podcast? And it was just for me thinking it just needs to define what exactly it is. And so the mortgage broker broadcast is a guest podcast. People from the industry, experienced brokers, new brokers, lenders, providers, marketing people all the people we've had on already. But and then more so we I wanted to. The feedback was from the people that watch the podcast, listen, listen to podcasts, the downloads and the subscribers was that it's something that wants to keep going.
Speaker 1:But I wanted to define it more and having a weekly guest show podcast that's like an hour-long podcast. It's interesting. I've got a business like I love doing it. But and it's funny, you should say something like that because you said about you find being the host easier than what you do being a guest. I find that very different. I find the hosting more difficult than I do being a guest, but we'll come on to that, but I just think it's. I would rather have an hour of a podcast where it's clearly defined as a an hour long podcast.
Speaker 1:We're going to do intros. We're still going to have you on as a bulletin, all right, I'm just yeah, yeah, that's good, yeah, brilliant, so I think that's, and I think what the idea will be is that will you and I I will interview a little bit on the podcast at the beginning doing the month. So it's going to be a monthly bulletin reviewing them all. Because you know what I'm like I'm always keen about people reflecting, reviewing, journaling and thinking about what's going on in the last day, week, month, year, whatever. So I think with the monthly bulletin, it will be a good chance for you and I to for me to get you to review the the month from a broker's perspective, as what's been going on from the broker market kind of thing, so and from a market point of view. And then we're going to get guests on. So we've got some guests already booked in, new guests I've never done podcasts before which will be interesting all from the space of mortgage broking, mortgage advising, finance advising, whatever you want to call it, so does that make sense?
Speaker 2:Yeah, it does, yeah, yeah. So, in a nutshell, you're going to go once a month with a guest I'm still here doing a bullet, but it's going to be me and you talking basically about the month before market trends and what's going on within our sector. Is that it?
Speaker 1:Exactly. That is it in a nutshell. So then, what I want to do then, moving forward, it's like splitting the, the solo episodes with. So the broadcast is going monthly, which is less than what we do now. It's probably about right. The guests probably are monthly anyway. So I think it, I don't think it makes any difference to that, but what what I'm going to do is, from the 1st of June, we're just doing a totally new solo podcast, which is going to be daily five minutes, called the Mortgage Broker Mindset.
Speaker 2:Get in there. I'm looking for your reaction on your face.
Speaker 1:Yes, I'm looking for your reaction.
Speaker 2:Well, you know, I feel like we know each other quite well, but people don't know. If we know, we're both quite passionate about that, aren't we? How mortgage brokers think and feel. Go on, I'll let you elaborate on that then. So what's it you say every day?
Speaker 1:How long? Five minutes, monday to Friday. So I'm going to do it every single day, five days a week, and it is just going to be a solo podcast. No guests, guests, nothing else, but just talking about mortgage broken, talking about mindset, because I think the thing is that it's a five minute podcast. It's easy, the idea is five minutes long, so it's literally start your day with it.
Speaker 1:I know there's there's a few podcasts that I listen to, quite a lot of podcasts, and there's podcasts that I have where they're an hour long. Put them in the background, listen to them. There's people talking, be interviewed. I'll pick stuff up and I'm listening to it while I'm still doing stuff around that, or walking, or running or whatever you're doing you can listen to like an hour long podcast. I think that's like a good time if you're running, if you are walking and now like you've got that hour thing, whereas with the shorter one, five minutes long, that's more about having impact.
Speaker 1:This podcast is a couple of podcasts I listen to every single day that are just five minutes long, not mortgage broker related, nothing to do with the industry, but just five minutes long. That I will just I will listen to. So my routine will be. I know what my routine is like, so that's set up within every single day. That start of the day five minutes and I listen to the podcast. There's no TV on in the background, no other distractions or anything.
Speaker 1:I will listen to that, what that's got to say, and there'll be days where I'll take stuff from it and there'll be days where I'll just listen to it and it's just a reminder of stuff about what I know already.
Speaker 1:But the idea is to then because you know, I say at least self like you're quite lucky that you've got a team to work with in your office, you've got a small, like you're close net people these days where you're on your own. But then these days where you you are surrounded by quite a few people, you've got people in the building that you're interacting with, you, you're sat in the coffee shop and things like that. But from a broker's point of view, most self-employed advisors are based from home, based remotely, and so just having that five minute of impact, I just want to try and help the broker. So I'm going to be still doing the stuff that I'm doing already on the podcast, but just condense it down five minutes every single day, five days a week to have impact, so you can then literally listen to it. Took something from it, took nothing from it, whatever the occasion may be, and then you move on with your day.
Speaker 2:Sounds brilliant because when I was working out of Esme's bedroom in COVID it was lonely. I've said this before it was lonely, mate, honestly. I was just ploughing through work but I had no one to talk to really about how I was. I could talk to someone about mortgages, you know. I could ring a BDM or something and go, oh, I've got a problem with a mortgage, but you couldn't talk to anybody about how you were thinking and feeling on that specific day, um or week really, because a everybody was. You didn't want to moan and groan, but you had nobody there anyway.
Speaker 2:So if people are working from home and they they it, you're hoping there's like a coincidence, aren't you really that the thing you're saying in that day or week resonates with that person on that day, so it can help them through that day. But obviously they can also go back and listen to them. I think it's a great idea because you'll have 25 minutes of value then, won't you? Throughout the week, each week that's the way to look at it and you'll have them in short chart bursts which you can just ingest and then hopefully it resonates you and use it to, I don't know, make you more positive or protective throughout the day. Yeah, I think it's a great idea.
Speaker 1:Great idea, mate thank you, cheers, for that feedback and because that there's something that I've just sprung on you right now. I've not talked about to anybody else about it and I'm because I think that. But it's just sort of that's, because I think that's just how things have progressed over the three years of the podcast in terms of when I look back. But, like you say, I'm doing the weekly podcast anyway. It's about 20 minutes long, 25 minutes long, and it's just going on about a certain subject, whereas I just feel that it's more beneficial to like five minutes and then move on with your day. And I say there'll be days where you'll take things from it, the days that you won't, but they're always going to be there. It's going to be a podcast, it's listed on Apple iTunes, it's going to be on social media, it's going to be like everywhere else that the mortgage broker bulletin is, but it's just going to be five minutes, five days a week I think.
Speaker 2:I think from a listener's point of view, I mean right, because I I listen. You know, I listen to the podcast, but I'd be gutted if it wasn't going to go once. I would be gutted if you turned around just then and said, oh listen, lee, we're scrapping it. I can have five minutes every day and the mortgage broker broadcast podcast is gone. I'm glad that you're doing one a month because I think that so many people listen to it, so many people get value from it. I'm glad that you're still doing. It's still alive.
Speaker 2:Then, if you like and it's going to be that'll have more value as well Because, like you said, you probably focus on it a little bit, not so you don't focus on it, mate, hang on a minute. If I say that, what I mean is it'll be completely focused on that one hour, won't? It is what I'm trying to say. But I'm glad you haven't just um, excuse the expression just binned it off. I think there's too much history and too much value in it for it to be binned off. So the new well, you know I'm into that. So I get both better, both worlds end. So I get a podcast once a month with somebody and I also get some mindset stuff every day. Well, come on. Yeah, well, I can handle that, craig, and I'm involved in it. So win, win, win for me.
Speaker 1:I'm glad, jeff, for this Going well, good, I'm glad I'm all giving this morning to you, then it's all. It's all good. But yeah, I think it's just like you say it is. It's about that sort of look, say it is having that five minutes of just trying to start your day with regards to have an impact having, like sorry, because it is, I'm waffling a bit with this this sound just doesn't sound too great, but the idea of it is is that it is five minutes you can just listen to because you are on your like.
Speaker 1:You say you're in esme's bedroom, like I, even though we've got people that like we're all based remotely.
Speaker 1:There's loads of people I speak to every single day but we are very much on our own, sat remote, like sat in a bedroom, an office, dining room, wherever it may be, or not.
Speaker 1:Like I say, people have offices where they just sit on their own in like a corner unit kind of thing as well, or hotspotting the desks and things like that. So it's just about having that contact with somebody that's in the mortgage broker space, somebody that you can listen to, somebody that can sort of and I'm not sort of saying everything I say is right or relevant or will have impact in terms of what you're doing. But I just I enjoy that aspect of it and I think you know what it's like, know it's always about doing what you enjoy and I think it's sort of if I feel as though the feedback that I get on the mortgage broker bullet, broadcast from a podcast point of view, is that it's helped, like a lot of people get in the industry, maintain retaining the industry and helping develop the business. So it's not I want to help doing that and I'm not saying, you know, like there's no ego there. I don't think everything I say is right or relevant or anything like that, but if I can just have impact with one person every single day and feel as though I'm doing my part to the industry, which is already a really great industry to be part of.
Speaker 2:Well, I don't think you're going to get all preachy about things. Anyway, mate, it might be called mindset, but you're not going to get all preachy. It's going to be practical, isn't it? That's what's going to be practical information based around mindset. You're not going to get all preachy and weird on people, so I wouldn't worry about that. And we're all in it. We are all in it together and we've all got to help each other, and I think that's always been your ethos on things since I've known you. Anyway, and um, yeah, the new format sounds, sounds excellent, mate. I'm glad that I've had this open conversation with you, sort of live, um, glad that I've had this open conversation with you, sort of live, um, it's, it's, uh, yeah, thanks, thanks for involving me, but yeah, the new format all around sounds pretty good, to be fair good.
Speaker 1:No, thanks for that feedback and I did want to drop you on that. So I've got your instant reaction in terms of, uh, what your feedback was in terms of the mortgage broker broadcast, but then also the new daily mortgage broker mindset as well. So luckily I've registered that, like I said, the first one's out in June, we'll start the mortgage broker mindset beginning of June. The mortgage broker broadcast will start the first Wednesday in June as well. So it's just in all the known places. I'll make sure there's links in between each podcast anyway. But yeah, I'm really excited about the change up and having that sort of clear defined. This is the broker broadcast, this is the mindset and it's got those clear defined paths. And from a broker's point of view, from a listener's point of view, you know, you understand clearly what the two podcasts are, without the intermingle, shall we say.
Speaker 2:Oh, brilliant, but I look forward to listening to it as well, mate. Brilliant. Thanks, lee.
Speaker 1:No, thanks for your interaction. Thanks for trusting me to come on the guest of this sort of last episode of the podcast as it is now and the format is now. So thanks for agreeing to do that. I'm being come on to the podcast with no agenda and just trusting me to go right, let's hit record and we'll. I'm going to talk about things that I'm going to change up and get your instant reaction with it, as always. So, and thanks for being involved with the bulletin and I'm looking forward to getting to a bit more into like with the bulletin now as we move forward.
Speaker 1:When we get this started in june is going to be very much like this format that we're talking about reviewing the mortgage broker market, the mortgage broker world, the financial service industry over that previous month, and we're going to have a chat about it and I'm going to be the host asking you questions or vice versa. We'll see how that goes. But uh, yeah, I'm looking forward to that. So, but, lee, thanks for coming to the podcast today, thanks for your time and thanks for trusting me with uh and and giving me honest feedback on uh, the change that's going to happen that's my pleasure.
Speaker 2:Thanks very much, craig. I'll speak to you soon, mate cheers, mate.
Speaker 1:Thanks for that. Lee, thanks for the honest opinion on the feedback on the podcast and the change that's going to happen. Hopefully those, all those changes, make sense. Mortgage broker broadcast is now going monthly from the beginning of june guest episodes with a bulletin, with lee and I discussing the past month from a mortgage broker point of view and also then moving forward, mortgage broker mindset is going to be five days a week, five minute podcast, talking about mortgage broking, business owning mindsets and things like that. And, as clearly said clearly said, it's not about preaching anything like that, it's just about helping and supporting mortgage brokers in their daily routine, their daily structure and just being a mortgage broker, self-employed mortgage broker. That is aimed at. So, yeah, hopefully all that makes sense.
Speaker 1:Thank you for listening. Thank you you for subscribing. Any thoughts, feedback or comments, as always, leave them in. Whichever platform you watch or listen to the podcast on Anything you want to direct a message on, then I'm absolutely fine with that as well. Any questions or thoughts or issues, topics, et cetera, et cetera, and yeah, and so yeah, looking forward to the new podcast getting out on a daily, looking forward to continue with the mortgage broker broadcast and, as always, don't forget to run your own race.